TrustAfrica, Wallace Global Fund and Omidyar Network hosted the African Social Movements’ Experience Sharing Baraza under the Zimbabwe Alliance collaborative framework with the aim to bridge the digital and physical divides between African Social Movements and facilitate inter movement experience sharing and co-learning. The following is an outcomes report for the African Social Movements Baraza (ASM Baraza) held in Zimbabwe on the 15th and 16th of February 2018.

The two-day ASM Baraza was held under the theme “Agency, Power, Impact” and managed to achieve the following outcomes:
1. Provided space for learning and knowledge sharing among Social Movement Activists and other stakeholders on emerging experiences and analysis of trends, innovations and methods of African Social Movements.
2. Provided opportunities for inter-movement networking, and collaborations
3. Engaged African Social Movements in collective thinking and practical solution building around some of the critical questions confronting movements at different stages of development and agenda attainment.
4. Resolved turning the Baraza into an annual event.
5. Resolved to produce knowledge products (Books and readers) on the African Social Movement experience.

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